Wednesday, August 11, 2010



  1. To make the log cutting quicker i cut a piece of 90x35mpg10 to 300mm so one could go along the branch and mark 300 intervals. It is important to leave a gap between each interval to eliminate inaccuracies and minimize bends in the logs.

  2. After cutting a sufficent amount of logs we layed out the bottom layer of logs, 14 in total. To an approximate distance of 1500.

  3. After being miss lead a Bundings Warehouse we purcahsed two bags of 'quick set concrete'. This was not enough for starters and came with screenings premixed in the bag. Luckly Dad had some cement left over from pooring the stumps for the renovations.

  4. After a suffiecient amount of logs had been cut we started to mix the mortar.
    1 part cement
    10 parts sand
    0 parts screening
    3 parts water

  5. Then there 'vespol' flashing was tacked on round the bottom of the window frame and later tacked on the top of the window frame to create a water tight opening in the wall.
